2019年2月28日 星期四

[python] Three way to run python in your computer or mobile


Install the Anaconda in your PC https://www.anaconda.com/distribution/
Use command line: jupyter notebook


Online python as follows:


Google Colab https://colab.research.google.com/

You can also use ipython or qpython in your mobile.



Python ide for beginners

[python] Learn Python NOW !!!

Python is standout in the rank of  2018 programming language. It's also the most popular languages with hackers. As a computer science teacher, we must learn the language to help students entering the world.

If you have been teaching computer science in high school for more than 20 years. You will feel that the progress of the computer is so fast. The only way is to keep on learning. It's an endless process.
Let's start to learn Python. And This note is also my learning process.

Follow the online lesson from Here  Example

About grade 8 computer class ( Junior High School In Taiwan)

Content of Learning
1. Data Search, Organization and Expression
2. The concept and application of array data structure

3. Basic algorithm
search and sort
