2024年10月2日 星期三

[投資] 大盤2萬2千點了,還可以存股嗎?(加權報酬指數與景氣對策信號分數圖表)



FernHeart 蕨心圖表


FernHeart 蕨心圖表



Many people ask me, "The stock market is at a high point now, can I still invest in stocks?" My answer is: of course you can! Looking at past performance, the stock market tends to rise in the long term. We should be looking at a timeframe of at least 30 years. You can see this trend by comparing current prices with those in the past. Moreover, governments worldwide are maintaining a steady inflation rate (around 2%), and with steady economic growth, the stock market is bound to rise in the long run. Naturally, there will be some fluctuations along the way due to various factors, but in the end, the market always returns to an upward trend.

The chart below shows Taiwan's Weighted Total Return Index, and the data since January 2, 2003, indicates that the market has been consistently moving upward. The red line represents the 200-day moving average. There have been three significant pullbacks: the 2009 financial crisis, the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, and the 2022 pullback due to inflation, excess corporate inventory, and declining profits. While these events caused noticeable drops, the market generally returned to its upward trend within a year.

Over the past 20 years, the economy has always gone through cycles, switching from blue to red, and then back to blue again. As of September 2024, we’re seeing another red light, which seems to signal a peak in the economy. But looking at the long term, this current peak might actually be the low point of the next cycle. At least, history tends to show us that’s how things go.

So, with the market at 22,000 points, is it still a good time to invest in dividend stocks? I’ll leave that question for you to answer!

